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Worxmate 2.1.0 Release Notes

The following article explains all the new features and updates that are introduced in Worxmate version 2.1.0.

The latest version (V 2.1.0) of Worxmate includes major enhancements in functionalities, revamping of certain key sections, operational upgrades, additional features, and UI and performance improvements.

New features and upgrades

Activities and notifications

Get complete visibility over all activities related to you:

Major enhancements has been introduced in the “Activity” section where users can view notifications about any updates done to their OKRs, tasks, role, teams, etc at a single place.

Some of the main features include –

  1. Notifications are segregated according to their categories like “Objective”, “Task”, “Comments”, “Mentions”, etc. for easier navigation.

  2. Each notification has a “Mark as read” button and “Close button”.

  3. A “Dismiss all” button is provided to clear all the notifications from the screen.


  4. Clicking the notifications will provide an in-screen preview of the action. It will have an embedded link to direct the user to the concerned item.



Extend the ownership of your OKRs to 10 users:

For achieving wider collaboration, an objective can now be added with 10 users as Owners. A huge shift from the previous limit of 5 owners.

Similarly, for a team-type objective, a user can choose to collaborate with and involve up to 10 teams.OKR

Better and quick access to your associated OKRs:

A new dropdown list, consisting of your associated teams, is now displayed at the top of the “My OKRs” window under the username. Selecting any team will populate the associated OKRs of that team in the same “My OKRs” panel for quick access.

OKRs associated

Gain wide visibility by viewing alignment at multiple levels:

The alignment view for the OKRs is extended to include sub-alignments and nested alignments. Users can interact with the aligned items in the alignment window itself.

OKRs alignments


Get fine control over OKRs by adding tasks:

Key-results can now be sub-divided into tasks which let the users gain better control and tracking on the progress of OKRs.

Tasks 1

Set reminders on tasks to never miss a deadline:

Reminders can be set for tasks in the profile section to keep yourself a step ahead.

Searching and locating tasks are so much simpler:

A multi-parameter search is included in the tasks section to quickly find and navigate to the required tasks.

Download or export tasks to your spreadsheet:

With the download functionality you can now download tasks in spreadsheet format with all their details and view them offline.

Kanban Board

  • Track and manage progress visually with a fully featured Kanban Board:

    A comprehensive agile-based project management tool for visualizing work items, progress tracking, and maximizing efficiency is included in this release. Its main features include –

    1. Tasks are grouped into 4 stages as per their status – “To do”, “In progress”, “Blocked”, and “Done”.

    2. A “Group by” button is provided to further segregate the tasks on the basis of “user’ or “project”.

    3. Tasks can be “Archived” and a toggle button is provided to move between archived and active tasks.


Smart search

  • Dynamic search over interrelated items:

    Smart search window is available in most of the sections where users can search the items (OKRs, tasks, projects, etc.) based on the entities related to them.

  • Extensive search options:

    Search can be performed on multiple parameters such as – OKRs, tasks, teams, users, tags, KPIs, and topics. Quick search options are also provided in the search bar.



Actionable insights to drive progress:

Insights give you a complete overview (from organizational to individual level) of the OKR adoption rate. These insights also let you monitor OKR progress and boost their reach. They ease your administrative effort of keeping track of OKRs and advancing their adoption.

Insights 1

Some improvements that are introduced –

  1. Two types of insights, based on teams and individuals, provide two different ways to view the status of OKRs progress.

  2. A new insight option to see those individuals which are not yet a part of the team is also given.

  3. Any insight with applied filters can now be saved as a favourite. Users can access this insight through the shortcut provide in the main insights window.

  4. Additional functionality to navigate to the OKRs from the insights is also added.

  5. OKRs adoption summary is provided to give a detailed view of the OKRs adoption at the organizational level. Users can see the percentage distribution of OKRs’ adoption at the individual and at the team level and use these findings to identify and overcome the hurdles in adoption.

Insights 2


Team management made easier:

Teams tab in the settings section now includes “Manage Members” functionality that lets you add/remove members of a team easily.

Team management

Be a part of up to 10 teams:

You can be a member of up to 10 teams now. A great feature for people handling multiple responsibilities or overseeing multiple teams.

10 Teams selection


Holistic view of the OKR status:

Company-wide reports consisting of OKRs and tasks progress can be downloaded by all members (except Basic User) from the reports section.

Reports 1


Group your OKRs/tasks into projects:

Users can create projects and group tasks under them for better classification. OKRs can also be aligned to projects.

Search for projects with the search bar:

A search bar is made available to search through projects quickly.


Quick labelling for classifying items:

Add tags to OKRs and tasks to classify them based on their attributes. Tags also helps in searching tagged items quickly.



Align OKRs with KPIs:

Users can align an OKR with a KPI by choosing it from an already created list of KPIs or by creating a new one.


A new way to correlate your OKRs across teams:

We introduced a new option to attach topics to your OKRs while checkins to enable a correlation among them. It’s a handy way to group OKRs and communicate their progress to people who are collaborating over those topic-related OKRs.



Comments are made more expressive:

Users can now react and reply to other’s comments with different reactions. Support for emojis is also included.

image 47

Direct your comments to specific members:

Mention the names of team members in comments by using the @ symbol to direct their attention.



Reminder for start/due date of period:

Managers can set reminders for OKR Periods to notify team members of a period’s commencement and deadline.



Interlink OKRs and tasks for better coordination:

Alignment that lets you to create and visualize the hierarchy and relationships of the aligned OKRs and tasks.

Alignment view

Follow option

Follow other teams:

Besides following others, users can now follow other teams also to track their progress.



Settings are accessible to everyone now:

The settings section has been made visible to all the users now. However, the ability to make organizational level changes belongs to users with higher rights, such as admins.

UI improvements

  • Enhanced the left sidebar with identifiable icons for navigating to and viewing the main sections of Worxmate.
  • Period selection is made easier through options like searching, bookmarking, and chronological ordering.Period selection
  • The add button in the OKRs and Tasks section is made simpler and focused with a single “+” sign. Upon hovering the shortcut for the button action is shown in the tooltip.
  • The count of all OKRs in the “My OKRs” window is displayed at the bottom right corner.
  • HTML comments are supported which preserve the typeface, emoticons, and layout of your text.
  • Improved UI for enhanced visualization of teams: While adding or viewing teams they are displayed in hierarchical manner with subgroupings.

Teams hierarchy

Performance improvements

  • The loading time of the application has been reduced.

  • Any operations or updates performed over OKRs are now faster in execution.

  • Bug Fix: The bug where alignment between items persisted even after its deletion has been fixed.

If you have any further questions or suggestions, please let us know through the in-app Help & support widget.

The Worxmate Team.