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Help Center >Frequently Asked Questions > Working with OKRs > How is the status, progress of an Objective affected by KR’s Progress?

How is the status, progress of an Objective affected by KR’s Progress?

Understanding OKRs progress and status

Whenever a key result is updated, the associated objective updates its progress and adds the relevant colour of the progress status in its progress bar.

The overall progress for an objective is calculated in score (0.0 to 1) as per the average of all its key results progress.

  • Red colour of the progress strip indicates that OKR progress is from 0.0 to 0.3.

  • Orange colour of the progress strip indicates that OKR progress is from 0.4 to 0.6.

  • Green colour of the progress strip indicates that OKR progress is from 0.7 to 1.0.

The Objectives score and its colour is as per the average score achieved from key results progression.


Objectives status as explained below will be the lowest status of the Key-Result out of all the associated Key-Results.


For instance, there are 4 key results associated with an Objective with status as described below :

  • 1 KR status is At Risk.

  • 1 KRs status is On-track.

  • 1 KRs status is Behind.

  • 1 KRs status is Closed.

As the lowest status achieved is At Risk, hence the Objective status is At Risk.


Note: To know how an objective updates its progress, refer to Understanding the Objective Progress.