Maddy N 0:16
Hello and welcome everyone. Today we have Petra who brings on board couple of decades of experience into specifically into growth, right? That’s how I’m going to define her. So she has been, you know, at leadership roles. He served leadership role in the companies like IBM and Microsoft. And you know, she has been mentoring a lot of tech startups, product leaders in terms of how they can grow their sales.
Specifically into multiple areas of sales cycle, right, which begins from, you know, lead generation to account expansion, various aspects that comes and falls into this category.
So welcome, Petra. Welcome to our podcast. And you know, I like you to, you know, begin with a very quick introductions, and then we’ll go ahead with our questions.
Petra Sales Booster 1:10
OK. So hi. Hi everyone.
As you said, I’m Petra. I’ve been working with Microsoft and IBM in different roles. After that I’ve been also on the buyer’s side. So on enterprise company I was responsible for digital transformation, sales and marketing and also IT. So I have that kind of experience. And since then, now I’m working with tech startups, with accelerators, incubators and VCs to improve basically.
To set the sales framework. So how can to set the foundations and then they can have a scalable growth? Yeah. And here is what I work right now. So I’m happy to be with you.
Maddy N 1:51
Thanks, Petra. Very exciting, right. I mean specifically the two words which I’m gonna catch here, which is VCs an accelerator, I think a lot of people will be, you know, very excited to know that. Great. So, you know, Petra, I think as you know there are we have listed on some certain set of questions very important quite often asked right so and I’m sure you must have gone across those queries or questions a lot of time right so.
To begin on those notes right, ideally, what do you think? What are the misconceptions which most of the founders that initially when they begin their?
Journey right they have regarding uh, you know, scaling their sales process, right?
So everyone comes with their mindset, right? Probably they might be prepared. They might not have prepared themselves, but they they go ahead, you know, as and when they start growing, they start acquiring customers, right? So in this case, you know, what are the, you know, the drawback that you see when any organisation begins initially, they don’t really think have I mean, some of them definitely think about the sales process. Some of them may not be thinking about these scaling their sales processes as and when they start growing. So what are your views on this? And and I’m sure right, you were on both the sides.
Right as you specified. So what? What what what would you like to, you know share your views specifically when you deal with lot of leaders?
Petra Sales Booster 3:06
Yeah. So there, there are two kinds, let’s say. Yeah, of course. You know, we don’t want to be put in one and the other category, but there are ones that basically don’t like SAS. Yeah. So don’t don’t like selling. They would just like to do the product. And, you know, they think that there will be a person who will do all the automation or the technology that will do everything for them. this is the first mistake. Yeah. So no possibility to scale. OK.
But the question into which you want is more like, OK, so we are eager to scale. We are eager to do everything what’s required and how to do marketing and sales.
But basically they fail with premature scaling. OK and one thing is that either they receive money from from investors but they don’t set the basics. Yeah, they don’t set. They don’t explore ideal customer. They don’t find out the value proposition. So they don’t have product market fit yet, then they they don’t have a product channel fit. So they go all around or the channel that they might, it’s OK or somebody say so no testing.
And of course, very important third categories, the unit economics. So they don’t know what to measure and how to improve because somebody said they need to measure or they don’t even measure at all. Yeah. And those measure measurements are not aligned across the across the company not and not specifically in sales. So yeah, the very basics. Yeah. So the foundations needs to be set first.
And you cannot scale overnight. Yeah. So you need, you need to set the basics with a lot of testing.
And some mistakes you have to invest money into learn, you know and test and fail. Of course, more controllable. Better. But yeah, don’t skip this phase, please.
Maddy N 4:49
Gets great, absolutely valid, right. Specifically, the important points that you have mentioned, which is failures and learning, right and to I mean to expand further on this, you know what would be your suggestion in that case, you know in specific specifically in terms of you know the metrics that should be applying to measure their sales strategies when they’re if they’re growing not growing, where exactly they have to take appropriate decisions, right as you were referring, right, I think in your previous response you mentioned that you know they have to start measuring things, right? So in that case, what?
Recommendation. What kind of metric there should ideally start falling up when they get into any new product ideas or they launch their product out in the market? They define their sales process. What would be your recommendations?
Petra Sales Booster 5:39
So basically those measurements and KPIs and all KRS and everything changes how we grow. Yeah. But if we start, let’s start with sales growth rate like new customers or the revenue growth rate that we have. So the basic sales growth rate and then of course the lead conversion rates, which are really important because you have to optimise this process then important things, let’s say when you have something to measure.
Is the sales cycle length? Yeah, because we can optimise on sales cycles quite a lot.
Uh, and see what’s working, what’s not, and go back to to, to, to selling materials and so on.
And don’t forget the 4th one customer acquisition cost. Yeah. Here people, you know, avoid marketing costs or branding costs now everything is customer acquisition cost, yeah, because this is something that will help us.
Get the customers, acquire them and they’re cost related to that. Yeah. So I would go with those four first sales growth rate and then when we have something to measure, we continue with lead conversion cycle and of course the customer acquisition cost.
Maddy N 6:47
Anybody needs so would you like to, you know, share your, you know, some real life examples when you have mentored someone or you have experience yourself in terms of like when you talked about for about this this 4 metrics and how it has impacted the decision making.
Petra Sales Booster 6:47
C measure and improve.
Yeah. So, I mean, there are a lot of a lot of examples, but let me be specific with one with one startup working in solar fields, OK and they had some solution for collaboration, yeah. So it was automated collaboration between those field workers around. OK, of course, the sales cycle land was really long. Yeah, but this can have a lot of issues. Why?
And one is they tackle the customers that didn’t even have device. OK, so.
If you want to sell some some software, it needs to be either on device or somewhere. So if you go and meet with with people who doesn’t have devices and this is additional cost you have to tackle these differently. I if you need quick wins then let’s do the filtering appropriately. Yeah, and there are this is very simple example of you know how you can really shorten the sell cycle by by filtering your customers. Yeah. So the specific of your customers.
Maddy N 7:45
Petra Sales Booster 7:58
And they made quite an improvement that, but why?
If you remember our conversation before because of the fundamentals they thought they can serve everybody all the time, but if we need done, we will really shorten the sale cycle. Yeah. And we will not leave money on the table. Yeah, so don’t be afraid to leave money on the table.
Maddy N 8:14
Yeah, yeah. No one. No one really wants to do that, right?
Petra Sales Booster 8:22
Yeah, exactly.
Maddy N 8:23
Specifically, we founders right? So. So that’s one thing, right? That’s one thing, I mean, see again, you know, founders are sometimes, you know, they are very passionate guys, right, as you referred about product, right. So they want to go after product they want to you know build the best product out in the market. But when they start getting demand, sometimes you know there’s kind of acts needs to be brought, you know kept in mind. And secondly I think very important point that you have highlighted here which is.
In line 2, like thinking, bringing other another perspective right, so you talked about if you have a software that needs to be device and in absence of that it can just you know increase your cost like anything and that could even hamper your growth in the market.
Isn’t it?
Petra Sales Booster 9:06
Yeah, exactly. I mean you have to take a look for the the whole product and maybe attach to something that is in there. Yeah, usually we say let’s see what are the platforms, let’s see which vendors you can you know you can choose and attach easily all the what are the foundations that your customers have? Yeah.
Maddy N 9:24
In such cases, what do you think you know? What are the different kind of, you know, sales techniques or you know, any solutions that founders are you know kind of following or adopting right to continue to you know have a better sales outcomes, right? And maybe do you have any recommendation have you given any recommendation to any you know product companies any specific you know case study would be you know helpful.
Petra Sales Booster 10:01
So I am comming from, I’ve been in microsoft, Yeah so, I I’m fully happy to use technology ok? I was digital transformation lady a company You know so I was giving people these tools. Come on, guys. We need to use it, but basically.
Maddy N 10:05
Petra Sales Booster 10:06
Without common ground, again, you know back to basics, yeah.
Maddy N 10:09
Yeah, yeah.
Petra Sales Booster 10:11
No sales intelligence engagement platform will help us, but yeah, I because you know the the principles of human right and social exchange and everything works works the same. It only depends how what tools we will use. Yeah. And now we have digital tools. We we have AI, we have automated tools and of course I am you know when when we’re when working with startups.
Saying guys, let’s see the the sales tools that are available now for the sales intelligence for engagement platforms. But again, if you don’t know your ideal customer, if you don’t filter drop down all of that, yeah, no tool can help you. Yeah, if you think that you will serve everyone. So yeah, I would go to sales intelligence and engagement platform. Why? Because we want to go into segment of one and we want to go to hyper personalization from.
From decades? Yeah. And now we have tools we can do that. Yeah, as and as a buyer.
So if you think that we are a buyers, we want to buy that way. Yeah. So all people want to buy, let’s sell them that way. Yeah. And I need something personalised for me. That’s why I would go with those tools.
Maddy N 11:10
Oh, absolutely. In. In fact, even I have experienced a lot of time, you know, during my consulting, you know, engagements and assignments with the leaders.
Sometimes I’ve found that while they have a metrics, they do not have an insight, right? And these two things are very different, right? I mean, a lot of them, they say I have a metrics and I have an insight I’d say and we say no, you don’t have an insight. You have data, right, probably you may be processing and then you’re trying to you know get into a you know a certain decision making aspects. But insights it’s very, very important. You need to know what your customers are saying, right and that can bring that can come in through sales intelligence or engagement platforms.
Petra Sales Booster 11:32
Mm hmm mm.
Maddy N 11:55
Very rightly said.
But in such cases, if you look at the other aspects, Petra, right, see ideally you know you you must have also experienced right when you speak to sales guys, sometimes they do not have complete aspects about what is getting built, insight right. And you would find a huge gap between product and sales team, right or sometimes who is implementing is in living in 3rd world, right. And this guy is living in another planet, right. So you may find a huge, you know sometimes a gap or kind of a difference in understanding between.
Internal stakeholders.
And like, why is they? You know, they may not be fully aware of what is happening outside in the market in terms of competitions or in terms of technologies or whatnot, right. So what what would be, you know, how do you tackle this specifically when you mentor, you know, the leaders, right, in terms of in, in, to enhance their sales effort, right, how they, how they should be balancing this internal and external stakeholders to partner with?
Petra Sales Booster 12:51
Yeah, I mean, basically, yeah, you mentioned to partner, right?
Maddy N 12:56
Petra Sales Booster 12:56
OK, so yeah, it is to partner. Yeah, because we need to know what are our key competencies, what are their key competencies, you know, in, in different planet, in different market but also what is in it for them. Yeah. So this effort and the value based that I can give you and you can give me and we can both grow OK and if I don’t miss something you have we cannot grow yeah because I will not feel incentivized. So it’s called like value based partnership.
Maddy N 13:24
Petra Sales Booster 13:26
So when when combining product and sales or when combining different cultures, we always need to really set what we what we would like to achieve, what they would like to achieve and how we can combine that. And there are of course techniques how to do that, how to philtre that how to do the profiling of ideal partnership and so on. Yeah. But again we start with the objectives.
Maddy N 13:48
Petra Sales Booster 13:51
What would we like to achieve and who has this and who needs this?
Maddy N 13:57
Right. So I mean, while I think there’s one more question and probably you’ll be able to link it better and expand it over there, right, and that you must have seen right when the you know specifically in startups, right, it is like pre funding there’s another life post funding, there’s another life right, which means pressure coming from different stakeholders. Now there’s a different aspects, the expectation set the team may be moving in a certain.
Petra Sales Booster 14:12
Mm hmm.
Maddy N 14:23
You know flow and post you engaging more people, more people coming to the board, there’s a different energy flowing in the room, right?
And that continue to build a lot of pressure on the sales team, right? So what would what do you think you know what sort of a mindset they need to bring in in such scenarios, right to continue to keep their motivation high and there could be another scenario, right, sometimes like maybe a quarter is really great, right? You ended up acquiring a lot of customers, right? You ended up building great pipeline, but there could be quarter where you are really, really struggling despite of having all used demand out in the market.
For the kind of product you are you have introduced, right? So how how such things should be tackled inside the organisations?
Petra Sales Booster 15:05
So basically what I say is that business without a customer is just a hobby. OK, so we have to have customers all the time, meaning sellers needs to constantly sell. Yeah, not just one quarter or one product. Yeah, but the the real professional seller is the one who can constantly sell and sell and sell. So from quarter to quarter, yeah. And then the measurements go down. But yeah, basically back to your question. First of all, of course, the supportive positive culture with clarity and open communication. Yeah, which is.
Maddy N 15:19
Petra Sales Booster 15:36
The whole new world, but we have to build it. Yeah, we cannot say it. We won’t build that and only build a sales team. No. Yeah, it’s a culture thing. But if we move fast now from this, which is complex, thematic to the sales teams, you know, what is measured can be improved. OK. So we have to measure. OK, but not to measure, just to measure and have data. Like you said, with no insights. Yeah. We have to have clear strategy.
Clear objections set on goals, so the goals needs to go top down and across.
The the line of businesses. Yeah, it needs to be aligned. So we’ve done that also in the company where I was on a buying side. Of course, Microsoft and IBM also are working like that, but also on the traditional company when when I arrived, we were before that they started, yeah. So we started with objections and key results for each not only for sales, yeah, also for HR also for controlling for everybody but also which was new for sales.
Because you know the the, the measurements and how to how to achieve the goals to be aligned also come to come also came to South. So yeah. So top down and across functions alignment with strategic goals objections and then you know of course the cadence needs to be there and if we need to go also step further yeah people needs to be incentivized.
Maddy N 17:03
Yeah, yeah.
Petra Sales Booster 17:03
Yeah. Not only financially incentivized, we have to really clearly understand how to move them forward and.
Maddy N 17:10
Petra Sales Booster 17:10
In the bidding of startup, maybe you know they will measure new customers in later on they will measure and incentivize something else because they will go to up sell and cross sell. So they will have the land and expect spend metrics and they will actually incentivize something else maybe when they will grow, they will have a big partnership channel, OK. The ecosystem of partners, they will have to incentivize and drive Partners.
Maddy N 17:16
Petra Sales Booster 17:38
With different measurements and incentivize, but all coming together to the strategy and goals, yeah.
And improving OK, moving, evolving.
Maddy N 17:45
And you brought a very good point here, Patra. Right, which is more about bringing that alignment right across the board, right? And that could maybe I think that is one way of like you know, maintaining the clarity across the company which gives you know it basically helps in setting the expectations, right, right? Even though with the sales team and also to understand the challenges they are facing, the dependency they have and you know probably on the same line, I like to, you know kind of you know take our discussion forward towards.
You know the very important subject, which is OKR, right, because that is where you get to see, you know, whatever you are referring right and how a transparency can be brought and maybe in on this note, right, I would like really like to understand where you have applied, you know this concept right and how it has helped organisations in terms of, you know, maintaining the pressure, right in terms of setting the expectation right, in terms of, you know building that.
Relationship across different department and function site and specifically if you remember we were also discussed about.
You know, maintaining that, uh, partnership, right? Internal, be it internal or bit external, right. They really have to have that right partnership. So you know maybe if you can share your views you know how OKR has impacted or how it impacts specifically to product and startup organisations.
Petra Sales Booster 19:04
First of all, it aligned all companies. Yeah. So the decision making process for all the directors or the all the functions that need to, you know to make decisions, they can decide towards achieving the main goal, OK, which is set. So the alignment with them was very necessary and then we can go and improve the processes, you know, because we are losing a lot of staff during the process manually or.
Purely automated or.
Done. Totally different and people are not focused in the right direction. Yeah. So we know that if we focus and we know what to do, if there is a clarity we can really improve and those OKRs brought us, first of all alignment. We are all ok with that. We all understand what we need and of course the the first step which we didn’t tackle today is the mindset. Yeah, because in the companies where this is not really.
Normal thing. You know the 1st we need to tackle the mindset, why we need something and be measured up on that. Yeah, it’s sometimes really people get scared, yeah.
Yeah. To be measured. Yeah. So we need to go through. So this process why we measure what is in it for all of us and for each of everyone specifically, so personalised again. And then when we set common understanding, OK, those are our objections. You know the the company wide, those are the HR you want to achieve this we need the HR to bring us these people here these people into production, these people into HR into sales. OK.
If we have alignment on marketing, we know how much money we will spend for automation tools, how much money we will spend for copywriting, how much money we will spend to alignment between sales and marketing and so on. Yeah. So we really align these silosis to become one. Yeah. So first on the mites and then then on the processes.
And it helped us a lot move the company forward. Yeah, some things become normal because we have this common goal.
Maddy N 21:02
Petra Sales Booster 21:10
Yeah, it was like, OK, no worries, I’ll do that. But before that year ago, it is now, this is not in my job description. I will not do that. I mean I I’m exaggerating, but I think people can can relate and found this.
Maddy N 21:10
Yeah, right.
Oh, absolutely right. You are absolutely right. Better, right. I mean, this is something which during the consulting I was to come across, right. So I’m gonna add that you know story now. So we were you know like I was doing a consulting from one of the logistic firms, right. And so you can see right they get into supply chain to operations, to inventory to what not right, I mean they have people different across the board and you’ll find a lot of blue collar guys right? Which means they are on field.
Petra Sales Booster 21:24
Internal driving, yeah.
Maddy N 21:50
Doing a lot of exercise, having very less visibility on what is happening inside.
Right. And they are not connected. There’s a lot of huge disconnect now. What happens when the review happens? No one cares whether you had any visibility. You never had visibility. You spoke to this guy, spoke to that guy and the frustration that we have, we had seen at leadership role is when we speak to them, they say I have no clue why things are going wrong. Whenever I come on call the review happens. People start pointing fingers towards this is not my problem. That is someone else’s problem. And that was the reason I was laughing when you were explaining them.
Not part of my role, right? And we said see now you know, right, I mean why it is so important for you guys? And secondly, we also have realised that a lot of times leaders have not set the expectation right. So you know sometimes they’re also trying to defend themselves. No. My thought process was also really right and we said you know, irrespective of what you think right, you are actually impacting business big time.
Your your you know the the you are hampering your organisations group. Are you OK with that?
Right. And for how long, right? So I think yeah, very rightly set in terms. So continuing on the same, right, So what do you think, right, I mean how important it is for leaders right specifically those who are you know founders those who are CXOs how important it is for them to directly deal with the sales team, right understanding the struggle or challenges and how it can help the company run better.
Petra Sales Booster 23:18
Yeah, I mean, I I have many startup founders who doesn’t like to hear that. Yeah, but it’s really important. It is because if there are no customer, you know nothing happens between.
Before somebody sells something. Yeah. And without customers, you don’t have a business. Just maybe very, very, very expensive hobby. OK. So, and you, you actually designed and developed this product. Why? To help someone solve problems. So you need to understand this. Someone who supposed to have this problem you are solving. So you’re doing something good. OK.
Maddy N 23:37
Petra Sales Booster 23:53
So help them.
Maddy N 23:53
Petra Sales Booster 23:56
Make conversation you will not understand them if you will not discuss with them and because buyers process is now in you know it’s happening in different touchpoints. It is super great to understand your buyers thinking your buyers process your buyers touch points. And if you have this understanding you can then you know decide what to do and what not to do. Because all your business then goes back to whether you will improve the product where.
Maddy N 24:06
Petra Sales Booster 24:23
And you know how? How much investing you maybe need or what do you need from investors right now?
So basically the the buyer, not the sells process itself, but the buyer and the buying process is the things you need to understand and then you know the sales process will align.
This is I think, really, really crucial for for founders because the buyer is the one.
Maddy N 24:49
Absolutely right. I think you are absolutely right. That’s what we keep recommending. In fact, you know those who are the decision makers, right that we are trying to solve a problem right. While you may have a solution sometimes over a period of time, you know, we come out of this mindset and we continue to, you know start pushing our product in the market and probably lost the you know, the essence of why we have even designed the product right and they’re just behind numbers. Oh, I want to get more customers, more customers why customers are not buying that sequentially, important for them to understand.
I think as you rightly mentioned, if they are you know probably in directly interacting with a sales guy. One of the insight they can gain is why people are not buying, why the decision making. I think one of the metrics that you’ve recommended is like sales cycle length, right? And why it is like extending why it is you know kind of you know growing like like from 4 weeks to 8 weeks sometime 12 weeks to 24 weeks you have no idea right and I think.
Petra Sales Booster 25:44
And it’s epoxy customer acquisition costs, yeah, they are all interconnected.
Maddy N 25:45
Yeah, yeah.
Absolutely. They are all interlinked. And then sometimes it is building more pressure on them eventually, right? So aligning with them with would be absolutely right, right. And with on this note, right, I mean I have one last and very important question, right and keeping in mind your experience, right?
Being on both side of it right? I mean being as a buyer and being you know, I’m mentoring leaders who are now here to sell product their product to you know be it any segment for that matter. It could be as big as enterprise companies like Microsoft or IBM. What would be your unconventional advice to these leaders, right in terms of growing their business?
And developing the right product for the customers.
Petra Sales Booster 26:30
OK, now he will do. We will do the cut and you will repeat the question because I didn’t understand it, OK?
Maddy N 26:36
Sure, absolutely. So you know, so my question here is right in terms of, you know, growing their business, right, driving their growth, right? What would be your advice to the leaders and founders, right, who are taking their product out in the market specifically? And it is like, you know, like a before funding and after funding, right? It’s a two different lifes that.
They juggle into right, and in fact, a lot of times you would find even founders take time to adjust when they got a funding. They are also trying to adjust with this change, right? With having other peoples on board aligning the mindset with them. So what would be your advice? You know, for them in such cases?
Petra Sales Booster 27:19
The founders? Yeah, I mean, of course first, you know, set and and and reset. Really what you want to achieve and why. Yeah. And then from your personal why you will see whether you will work hard and move and go to different markets and really align and take some risks and of course measure that risk or you you would like to stay the same you know because not everybody needs to to scale. Yeah maybe you just need to grow the business normally.
Maddy N 27:21
Petra Sales Booster 27:50
This is something you personally would like to leave upon it. Yeah. And it’s not a failure. So first of all, dear founder’s thing. Really. How do you feel it? Why would you like to scale? And if you are ready to scale, then be fully dedicated because it’s hard work. Yeah, it’s hard work in and you know, of course, you can quit in the middle, but don’t. OK, so.
Maddy N 27:54
Petra Sales Booster 28:15
Feel these values.
To whom you would really like to have and and how. And then we can align the road map the the team that will go with you. The technology that is behind.
The found how you will spend those funds not to overspend and run away without money and so on. But first of all, set yourself mindset. What would you like to achieve and why? Why? Why don’t stop with what first? Why go deep?
Maddy N 28:46
OK. So then you have three suggestions, right? I mean, they really have to keep in mind, which is one is why second, why and 3rd is also why.
Petra Sales Booster 28:52
Exactly, yeah.
Maddy N 28:53
No, absolutely right. In fact, you know, as we are more like a you know, OKR solution of platform, right? I mean we also recommend that one should always begin with why? Because if you do not have a right answer for it, maybe you are building something which may not solve the problem at all and which could lead to as you rightly mentioned, you know to your customers may not be solving your problem. You may not see the demand for your product on to the market. It will build a lot of pressure for you and then eventually you will end up taking decision which may not be right for the company.
Right. So it make lot of sense you know thinking and getting your why right there by bringing more clarity in the company, right? So thank you so much Petra for your you know your time and sharing your valuable insights with us, right, I’m and I’m sure it’ll definitely help our you know our prospect customers and the followers over you know social media channels and you know we definitely like to have one more such you know.
Interesting conversation with you in future as well.
Petra Sales Booster 29:53
Thank you. I was honoured to be with you and I really encourage everyone to set objectives based on your why and then move forward. Yeah, step by step towards the goal and you can scale.
Maddy N 30:06
Absolutely. Absolutely. Thanks, petra.
Petra Sales Booster 30:09
Thank you.