
Help Center > Frequently Asked Questions > Working with OKRs > How do I view non-aligned objectives only?

How do I view non-aligned objectives only?

Working with OKRs list, Filtering OKRs list

Worxmate Filter feature lets you to filter the objectives from the list of OKRs by selecting various parameters such as Alignment, Progress , Status, Type and so on.


To Filter Non-Aligned OKRs:

  1. From the Vertical Menu Bar, click OKRs.
    A list of OKRs is displayed.

  2. Click Filter OKRs, which is placed below of Add Objective to the right corner.

  3. You can filter Non-Aligned and click apply as mentioned below:

Select one of the following buttons:

  • Aligned: To view only those OKRs that are aligned to another OKRs.

  • Non-Aligned: To view only those OKRs that are not aligned to any OKRs.

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