
Help center > Working with Review Board > How to create a Review

How to create a Review

Add/Invite Attendees, Add Agenda, Link Objectives & Add Attachments

Review Board is a feature that allows users to create and manage reviews for various reasons & occasions.

To create a review in Review Board, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Review Board section.

  2. Click on the “Add Review” button.

  3. Fill in the necessary details, such as the title of the review, Provide a detailed description of the review.

  4. Add Multiple owners in the Review Ownership fold & select Priority.

  5. Select the Date, Start and End time of the review.

  6. Save or submit the review to invite the the review process.

  7. Click on the plus icon to Invite attendees.

  8. Add Agenda of the review.

  9. Link Objectives to be discussed.

  10. Add attachment if any.

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