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KPI Board

Map KR to KPI, KPI Frequency, KPI Group, Search KPI

KPI Board

Visualize performance and drive data-driven decisions: The KPI Board allows users to track their key performance indicators (KPIs) in one central location. It provides a clear and concise view of progressions made over different frequencies also allowing users to add new KPI, select an existing KPI group or create a new one, define KPI details, perform Check-ins and Track KPI Performance from the past check-ins. Users can map a Key-Result with a KPI to drive automated progress updates from the Key-Result check-ins, empowering them to drive automated progress updates from the Key-Result check-ins.

Note: Only Admins can add KPI Group

  • Get fine control over strategy by aligning KPI’s with Key-Results: Map a Key-Result with a KPI to drive automated progress updates from the Key-Result check-ins.

  • Set KPI’s to drive performance: to add new KPI, select an existing KPI group or create a new one, define KPI details, perform Check-ins and Track KPI Performance from the past check-ins.

  • Searching and locating KPI’s are so much simpler: A multi-parameter search is included in the KPI’s section to quickly find and navigate to the required KPI’s.

  • Set KPI’s for different frequencies: The board provides a clear and concise view of all the progressions made over different frequencies of progress from Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly.

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