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Worxmate 2.4.0 Release Notes

Includes functional enhancements, additional options and features, UI upgrades, and performance improvements. Available from 10th June 2023

The latest version (V 2.4.0) of Worxmate includes functional enhancements, additional options and features, UI upgrades, and performance improvements.

New features and upgrades

Review Board

Get complete visibility of all the reviews related to you: Review Meeting feature streamlines the OKR review process, allowing teams to conduct structured and focused meetings that foster meaningful discussions. It allows users to quickly schedule a review, add agenda, link objectives, record minutes, and manage meeting related attachments.

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KPI Board

Visualize performance and drive data-driven decisions: The KPI Board allows users to track their key performance indicators (KPIs) in one central location. It provides a clear and concise view of progressions made over different frequencies. Users can map a Key-Result with a KPI to drive automated progress updates from the Key-Result check-ins, empowering them to drive automated progress updates from the Key-Result check-in.

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Customizable notifications to keep everyone connected & informed: Admin users can now set & tailor the alerts by selecting organization wide, team type, or user specific preferences.


User & Team adoption Reports on insights

Uncover powerful insights with OKR adoption reports: The User and Team Adoption Report provides valuable insights into OKR adoption over multiple periods. These reports enable managers and users to assess objectives created, shared objectives, progress updates, primary owners, KR progress & status, Team hierarchy, collaboration within teams & identify gaps in the adoption.


Objective Highlights

Amplify clarity on objectives overall progress: With Objective Highlights, users can keep a record of progress, track achievements, highlight key milestones, challenges encountered and reflect on lessons learned in the OKR’s journey.


Drive Your Objective With

Easily select the objective type to drive OKR adoption better: Admin users can now select which OKR type would appear first as default selection i.e., if Team type will be default selection while creating OKRs, users can easily select the other OKR type (individual) from the drop-down list.


Worxmate Ribbon

Subscription renewal timer and alert counter: The Worxmate’s Ribbon option introduces a subscription renewal timer and alert counter for important notifications. Global Admin users can track the remaining time until subscription renewal. For all the other user types it also displays the number of active alerts or notifications, allowing you to stay informed and take timely action.


KR Overview

Easy to access comments & past check-in: Users can now access past check-ins alongside the comments section of the Key-Results. This enhancement allows users to quickly refer to the past check-in notes while engaging in discussions or reviewing progress.

Google SSO

Seamless and secure login experience: With this feature, users can now conveniently access the witsmate using Google account credentials, eliminating the need to remember and manage separate login details.

Task – Attachments

Tasks have become more advanced. Users can now upload attachments related to the progress of their tasks. These attachments can be any file like a spreadsheet, an image, a word doc, or even a zipped file.

UI Improvements

  • Expected progress help quick link on check-ins.

    The quick link button for switching to in app help for understanding expected progress is now available in the check-ins section.

  • Objective Primary Owner.

    Empower accountability and ownership with the Objective Primary Owner feature.

  • Key Results owner.

    Provides crystal-clear responsibility for achieving specific outcomes.

  • Primary Team on User Profile.

    Improved user profile section that lets you select the Primary Team of the users also showcasing the other Teams user is part of.

  • Notifications and Email Refinement.

    Stay informed and connected with enhanced Notifications & Email Refinement, ensuring you never miss an important update or deadline.

  • Team Hierarchy in Search.

    Users can search now see the Team hierarchy while doing a search for a Team.

Platform Upgrade

  • Elastic Search upgrade

  • Enhanced security

If you have any further questions or suggestions, please let us know through the in-app Help & support widget.

The Worxmate Team.