
Help center > New Feature Releases & Product updates > Worxmate Version 2.2.0 Release Notes

Worxmate Version 2.2.0 Release Notes

The following article explains all the new features and updates that are introduced in Worxmate version 2.2.0.

The latest version (V 2.2.0) of Worxmate includes functional enhancements, additional options and features, UI upgrades, and performance improvements.

New features and upgrades

Delegate Access – Manage accounts of others on their behalf

A user can now authorize their teammates to let them manage his account on his behalf. This functionality ensures that any person who is going for a leave can hand over/delegate their work items (OKRs, tasks, projects, etc.) to their substitutes for a specific period. When a user grants their rights to other users the recipient can use the option of “Switch accounts” to switch back and forth between his and the grantor’s accounts.

Delegate 2

Check-in with attachments

Check-ins have become more advanced. With every check-in, users can upload attachments related to the progress of their tasks and OKRs. These attachments can be any file like a spreadsheet, an image, a word doc, or even a zipped file.


Extensive reports section

Reports section has been extended to include more options and filters to generate and download customized, excel-based reports. The extra options help users to have a comprehensive overview of the progress of OKRs in their organization.


Add/edit bookmarked Insights

Saved/bookmarked insights can be edited as per the changing needs of the users. The bookmarked insights provide a customized description of your favourite insights through a single click.

Update Insight

Expand/collapse all OKRs

With one-click users can expand or collapse all the OKRs in the window which provides a complete and quick overview of all their OKRs. Users don’t have to click on individual OKRs to expand all the OKRs.

Ability to tag key-results

Just like users were able to add tags on objectives, they can cow add tags to key-results too, in addition to the already present KPIs. Tags are a great way to classify and group your OKRs and this additional functionality adds uniformity to the OKRs classification.

Add tags

Clickable links in emails

Notifications emails now consists of embedded links to the concerned work items in Worxmate. Users can navigate to the concerned OKRs directly (from email to Worxmate) through the URLs embedded in the notification emails they receive for various activities.

UI Improvements

One-click redirection from Notifications to OKRs

The button for switching to OKRs from the notifications section is now available at the top of each notification.

Switch button 2

If you have any further questions or suggestions, please let us know through the in-app Help & support widget.

The Worxmate Team.