Maddy N 6:28
Hello and welcome to worxmate podcast. Today we have Zara.
Who is senior director Human resource in Parker Digital brings on board couple of decades of experience, so we are very delighted to have you here Zara. So welcome to our podcast.
Zara Morghade 7:01
Thank you.
Happy to be here.
Maddy N 7:04
So you’re like it, great.
Zara Morghade 7:06
Maddy N 7:09
The testing Zara, so you know, we have looked at your journey right over the last, you know, couple of decades you have been into and you’ve spent great time in you know some leading enterprise organizations moving from enterprise to product and even earlier right.
You had various, you know, other experiences that you brought today.
We would like to discuss more on you know the if you look at and I’m sure you are experiencing it in terms of the changing landscape, right, you know how dynamic the market has become or even people have become right after post COVID.
Zara Morghade 7:43
Maddy N 7:43
So let’s begin on that note.
First, let’s try and understand how it has impacted you know the organizations and the leadership.
Specifically, when you know I could never imagine like a hybrid model pre covid, right?
It is like we, you know, you need to be blessed to get such company, right?
Zara Morghade 8:02
Absolutely right.
Maddy N 8:04
So how so?
How’s your vision?
I mean, because you have seen both aspects right?
One which is provided one which is post COVID and how dynamically it is changing a lot of new things are coming into the market the way we are working the way we are operating, the expectation that people have you know in the organizations the expectation that management has is kind of getting dynamically changed and quite fast, right.
So what is your view on that?
Zara Morghade 8:31
How you said it, Maddy.
You know things have changed so drastically and pre COVID.
There was so many things.
I mean, we wouldn’t have dared even dream of work from home or remote.
Those were certain roles which are sent from above, but now it’s not like that.
Every single organization has roles which are completely removed.
Some organizations is itself are 100% remote.
Things have changed.
The market has changed.
Individuals have changed, considering that now the inflow of employees that come in the youngsters, especially all of those freshers, have completed their education in that time of COVID they have done their studies from home.
They do not know anything apart from that.
They have never seen what work culture is while having to slog it out in the office from dawn to dusk, right?
Maddy N 9:20
Zara Morghade 9:27
So in that ways things have changed, but things have also changed in a very positive way there too.
So automation is one thing.
You know, automation was always there.
But I think during COVID it became even bigger than it was.
Companies that didn’t even adopt certain tools for suddenly adopting them because hey, you are remote and as well.
Maddy N 9:51
Yeah, alright.
Zara Morghade 9:52
And even if you are remote, we need to maintain the team cohesion and that sense of company culture.
Maddy N 9:56
Zara Morghade 9:58
So hence digital tools were adopted to ensure that everyone is kept connected.
Maddy N 10:05
Zara Morghade 10:06
So many ways that that has changed.
It’s been amazing.
Maddy N 10:10
The how do you see right, I mean again going back and you know we very often discuss about it, right?
So, and I’m sure right, you know, if you look at you know the various emails that are you know like getting floated in from they are on social media as well from the leadership like you know from Amazon to IBM to you know TCS or Tata do you know various leading enterprise automation serve very you know now since last couple of years I personally observed they are inviting people to come to office operate from office.
But you know it like earlier, they wanted people to start operating from office.
Zara Morghade 10:39
Maddy N 10:43
Now you know, even there is a change, they are quite flexible.
They say, OK, you know, start coming to office, at least start investing 8 days.
But the bigger aspect here is point number one.
Zara Morghade 10:50
Maddy N 10:53
You know, and I’m sure in the current company you are also, so must be having this similar policy but one is that the impact that you see in the business, so that is a growing concern.
You know, maybe you’ll see at Leadership Route, right?
Secondly, it is also impacting.
Is it impacting productivity?
Is that has it improved productivity?
What is the mindset?
So you know that is bothering leadership a lot.
You know leadership thing a lot.
Zara Morghade 11:18
It’s there is a huge impact.
Maddy N 11:19
So how do you guys tackle in your current organization?
So what is your views so far in the last 3-4 years?
How it has changed?
Zara Morghade 11:27
I see Maddy.
When COVID started, it was hard for everyone to adjust to it, but then we really quickly adapted to it.
Maddy N 11:35
Zara Morghade 11:37
Of course, we didn’t have a choice.
Maddy N 11:39
Zara Morghade 11:39
What we realized was that work was happening.
Maddy N 11:41
OK. Yes.
Zara Morghade 11:42
All deliverables were happening 100%, no compromising on the quality, but what was being compromised were relationships, right?
Maddy N 11:51
Hmm, right.
Zara Morghade 11:53
Something as simple.
The impact that going for a chai break with your manager or with your colleagues that was not happening connects were just completely limited to those the work related calls that you would make on MS teams.
Maddy N 12:00
Zara Morghade 12:08
That was it.
And once COVID slowly started to get a little lesser, the fear began to recede.
That’s when we really, truly saw the impact that that had created workwise productivity, I believe for all organizations at least, most of them.
What, on an all time high?
But if you ask anyone about organizational culture about the sense of belonging that we want our employees to have, that was missing big time.
Maddy N 12:37
Yeah, yeah.
Zara Morghade 12:38
That is why a lot of us in the organization level needed our people to mingle again.
Think we needed everyone to come together again, and we also understand that we have already adjusted the different situation right where you have that flexibility and once you give it to take it back in totality, it’s just not gonna happen.
Maddy N 12:55
Zara Morghade 13:01
You have to respect every individual’s needs on a personal level that need to balance now.
And that is where a things like hybrid really help coming to the office at least, you know, three times in a week or even if some, some larger organizations ask their people to come in eight times in a month.
Maddy N 13:19
Zara Morghade 13:25
Even those slight connects with your team, with your managers go such a long way.
And now I believe things are healing and I use the team that this term very, very consciously healing.
Maddy N 13:41
Hmm, right.
Zara Morghade 13:42
Yeah, because companies need to get out of that only productivity mode and provide that psychological safety to their to their people.
And that’s where Meeting really helps.
Maddy N 13:51
The how do you apply that in your organization?
If it can be more specific here.
So how do you see handling it?
And again, going back to the same point, which is more about, you know, leadership concerns, right?
I mean, it is like an adjustment somewhere.
Zara Morghade 14:04
Maddy N 14:05
I believe that right.
I mean so that leads.
Zara Morghade 14:07
It is an adjustment, no doubt, no doubt, but it’s really working for us.
Things like asking people to come in on in a hybrid mode and when teams do come in, they decide that you know today all of us are going to meet and this is what we are going to do.
We schedule those kind of meetings for everyone.
Initially, when we started to get people back to the Office 2 years back in 2022, it was really hard.
We had barely a handful of individuals coming back to the office, and now I’m very happy to say that all of our teams, they do come to the office at least three times in a week.
Maddy N 14:38
I’m testing.
Zara Morghade 14:45
We ensure to schedule our engagement activities also then managers ensure to to have their connects with the individuals whether they are one on ones, whether it’s those group connects.
These things are planned in advance at the same time, we have ensured that there is no there’s minimal discomfort to everyone.
There is due consideration given if there are individuals who say, have calls in the evening time, the second half of the day they are welcome to leave at 3-4 pm, the end, they’re welcome to go home.
Take your calls from home.
Absolutely fine, as long as that connect is established with their team.
Maddy N 15:21
At least, but.
Zara Morghade 15:26
That’s most important.
Everything else can be taken care of.
Maddy N 15:30
And has it improved like you know the the you know kind of a impact towards growth you know deliverables because you know your deliverables are directly linked to the market.
Zara Morghade 15:39
Maddy N 15:41
You know, you really want to impact your customers and whatnot.
How do you see right?
Has it improved?
Zara Morghade 15:46
Tremendously, tremendously.
Because why?
Like I said before, productivity was an all time high, but then things like teams working together.
If someone is rolling off a shift, they would hardly be that connect with the previous person.
Maddy N 16:00
Zara Morghade 16:00
But now that connect is there and it adds value and this is something that even clients see, they feel it and that in the end over a period of time reflects in numbers as well.
Maddy N 16:09
Got it.
Yeah, makes sense.
And in fact, you know, just, you know, the way the market is trending right and and somewhere right to address these problems, you would see that nowadays, you know, AI is playing a very influential role.
You know, maybe giving little comfort to people at top level and and people at the bottom level in terms of like, you know, making their life easy.
that 2 aspect that we see and you know which is like again which is very good.
We just made life easy.
Definitely we have seen the impact in the last at least one year.
So how do you see?
You know this AI which has which has come and you know impacting, you know, two aspects.
One is that skill building or talent management, we can say second year is that if that is the case, how it is improving the performance as well.
So how do you see it right, right now in the company?
And I’m sure when you, you know, on a day to day basis, you see right there are various tools that have come.
People are using it effectively.
Have you seen the improvement in the quality?
Have you seen?
OK, you know, people can effectively use their, you know, AI to upgrade their skills, and that is seen the performance.
Have you seen?
Are you realizing this trend?
Zara Morghade 17:24
Let’s see what happens here is that now, since there are a couple of our processes which are are limited, it’s like a is like having this supercharged assistant that never sleeps.
So even when we have our recruiters who used to struggle with going through all these all their resumes before, now all of those things are sorted.
Maddy N 17:42
Zara Morghade 17:44
So if you need to sift through 1000 CVS AI has it covered.
Maddy N 17:49
Zara Morghade 17:49
If you have, if we have in talent management, if we or even our leaders are having a challenge to formulate, OKR s hey, no worries.
Maddy N 17:55
Zara Morghade 17:58
AI also has your back there, so it’s like having a crystal ball, but instead of vague predictions, we are getting these actionable insights now and that really helps us develop them in real time.
Maddy N 18:01
Zara Morghade 18:11
All a lot of our routine tasks are now automated, right?
I’m sure this is the case in pretty much all organizations now, and this has allowed most of us whether it’s recruitment, whether it’s the talent management team or isn’t the general workforce.
It helps us to focus on more strategic activities.
I can attest to the fact that now my team has that bandwidth to really facilitate all of these candidate engagements or even conduct these cultural fit assessments, which was previously a challenge
Maddy N 18:33
Zara Morghade 18:48
Just about, I think 2 weeks back.
My Team.
We’re discussing revamping PMS internally.
We had just had to revamp our goal library considering the business, the route changes that we have taken and we realized that AI plays a huge role there too, getting that real time feedback and even with predictive analysis and this enables a lot giving that personalized development plans even to the individuals and that’s what people want nowadays.
Maddy N 19:06
Right. OK.
Zara Morghade 19:21
Gone are the days when people work in organizations just for job security.
Maddy N 19:26
Zara Morghade 19:26
You know, I didn’t go.
I just join an organization and stay there for 40 years and I’m sorted no.
Now they want to know for sure that the organization is invested in their career development.
Maddy N 19:39
But it.
Zara Morghade 19:39
They want to know what their career progression looks like and having AI tools that help in this just helps in that stickiness fact
Maddy N 19:42
Zara Morghade 19:49
It helps us retain people as well.
So overall, if we when we leverage it, we are really able to enhance our efficiency as a process and as an organization.
Maddy N 20:00
You know, that’s what we keep hearing, right?
Zara Morghade 20:08
Well, yeah, yes.
Maddy N 20:09
It’s more about, you know, impact the that the impact they are creating are the learning you know and again that that’s where you would see people are like nowadays specifically there switching quite often you know the you know you would hardly see you know today’s you know generation is like sticking to one company for five years you know that will be like another challenge.
Zara Morghade 20:21
And the minute anyone says that I’ve been part of an organization for five years, just like, really wow.
Maddy N 20:37
Absolutely right.
Yeah, but you know, again, there’s another flip to it, right, which is more about AI is making so much life easier.
And AI is also contributing to organizations grow to an extent because you know the if you think from a leadership standpoint, we definitely want to get things done yesterday, always right.
Zara Morghade 20:47
Maddy N 20:59
But he has given that edge, keeping in mind that can run like anything that can give you.
Like you just refer to, you know, kind of a predictability that you were referring to, right?
Helping people understand making it more real time, you know, in such cases you have seen that AI is also, you know, people also have a few other AI may end up eating up their job. Right?
So do you see such fear?
People talk to you regarding this.
How do you handle it?
Zara Morghade 21:26
That is inevitable, I think, in our careers, especially for those like you myself, we have been.
We’ve been part of a generation where we saw automation coming up that also created that, that they dropped that wave of fear that what is gonna happen to me?
Maddy N 21:37
Zara Morghade 21:42
What is going to happen to my job?
And now we have.
Maddy N 21:44
Zara Morghade 21:45
Similarly, we have AI coming in.
Maddy N 21:47
Zara Morghade 21:48
Fear is natural.
It is completely understandable, but it’s very important to recognize that AI will always remain a tool to augment those human capabilities.
It cannot replace them.
Maddy N 22:02
Zara Morghade 22:02
Even if I look at a function like our talent management, it can.
Maddy N 22:06
Zara Morghade 22:08
AI can help with the repetitive tasks, but it frees up our bandwidth for a lot more strategic work.
Ohh, initiatives on coaching or mentoring.
These are things that my HR team did not have time for before, but now, thanks to AI, we do have that and those are the those factors that make so much of a difference.
Maddy N 22:25
Zara Morghade 22:32
Is there a risk to employability?
Yes and no.
It is my firm belief, Maddy, that if we are able to bring value to our role, we will stick there no matter what the organization.
That’s what if I look at it from a business perspective also I will retain those individuals who bring value to the company.
Maddy N 22:53
Hmm, right.
Zara Morghade 22:54
It’s all about finding how we can add to that.
Maddy N 22:58
But practically as an example, right?
I mean, being little practical right from an augmentation standpoint, you also have to, you know, kind of make your augmentation always effective, right?
And if you are a product company as an example, they always look for funding, right?
And there’s always a hassle between, like, you know, keeping your cost low and increasing your margins high and you know going towards profit constantly and you know basically expanding your business in such cases that you know that kind of push mess slowly and gradually would come, which means they’ll always look out for an opportunity when they can, how they can in a cut down on the cost, right, that’s what keeps going.
Zara Morghade 23:37
Yes, yes.
Maddy N 23:38
So, so, you know, I’m not saying that conversation triggers in your organization, but that’s the trend that we observe, right?
Zara Morghade 23:40
Maddy N 23:44
I mean, slowly and gradually it has started popping up in larger organizations because they see, you know, what?
We can handle it, right?
So in such cases, do you?
Do you come across questions on these notes?
I mean, as you know, one on one is quite often right.
People may come and say, you know what I am experiencing this and maybe you know, in any case, let’s take an example where you have tried to broad, you know, automation through AI.
As an example, people might have you know what I was doing this job earlier.
Now it has automated so people may have that sense of fear.
So have you come across such kind of conversations?
Zara Morghade 24:17
Yes, yes, many a times.
The fear is real.
Yeah, there is that fear.
Maddy N 24:23
Zara Morghade 24:24
But the way that that we approach such discussions as to 1st understand what is the individual score fear.
Maddy N 24:34
And the right.
Zara Morghade 24:35
Is the fear of being really just being redundant, or is there some other underlying fear there because there can be right and it will?
Maddy N 24:44
Zara Morghade 24:46
Also what’s important is to reassure them that see as an organization, very bluntly speaking, while all organizations need to make profit.
Yes, but they also need their people.
Organizations are nothing without their people.
Even organization has to let go of talent that they have trained over a space of time.
It is never an easy decision.
That decision is not made just like that.
There’s a lot of thought that goes into it.
Maddy N 25:15
Umm, alright.
Zara Morghade 25:16
Yeah, the individuals are always given time that you know, if this is an Ave where there is nothing there is this other Avenue which is coming up are you entrusted because like I said earlier adding value is most important in most cases the individuals are very much happy to explore something new because our organization is full of a lot of youth and youngsters are always well amped up to learn something new.
Maddy N 25:27
Zara Morghade 25:47
In cases where it doesn’t work out and we have to part ways in a positive manner, Maddy.
Because if the person is not adding value in my mind it is not being fair to them.
Maddy N 25:59
Hmm, right.
Zara Morghade 26:00
At some point they are not going to be happy and that Britain is.
That will prove does more damage than good at such a juncture.
It’s always better to part based on a good note and help them if possible, to get somewhere which will to get to an organization that’s really going to help them out.
Maddy N 26:19
So that preparation has to begin.
The movement augmentation realizes that, yeah, this may have an impact towards, you know, releasing few people.
Zara Morghade 26:27
Maddy N 26:28
So you all would you recommend like you know, while that kind of thought comes, you know HR also start thinking about how do we so you know one of the points that you mentioned which is very good in terms of like you know moving people in a direction wherein you know it can add more values to your services, your products, your solutions in a way that that can further you know offers benefits to your clients or customers right.
So that they feel OK, it makes sense.
Zara Morghade 26:53
Maddy N 26:55
So it is like a win win situation that is one which is a very good thought.
But apart from that, you know, let’s take an example.
Yeah, that’s where the thought is getting into.
Where and how we can constantly, you know, kind of manager our overall cost and constantly look for a profit, if that it boils down to that, then how do you know what would be your suggestion in that case to HR that how they should be handling it?
Because then eventually a lot of heat comes at the bottom right?
Because people have never been informed, it is like a decision going last minute.
They are not comfortable.
They’re not ready for it, right?
And it definitely impacts you know overall, you know, their day-to-day life as well.
Zara Morghade 27:36
Well, Maddy, I think I’m fortunate enough in a way not to have come across such an instance where it is, where letting people go is a split second decision.
Maddy N 27:47
Zara Morghade 27:48
Yeah, in my opinion, if such a decision is made it it doesn’t happen overnight.
There are thoughts that go behind it.
Every management team will first work on seeing where can we utilize this skill.
That option is always given.
Those discussions do happen.
It’s only an only when both parties are sure that nothing can work out.
Maddy N 28:15
Zara Morghade 28:15
That such a drastic decision can be made.
Maddy N 28:20
So you know, again, you know, on this note on similar note, right, one of the interesting question that hey, you know personally.
Uh, you know, I also like to know from you which is more about now when the A is bringing to the you know and it’s like everywhere. Now AI.
Yeah, right.
Everywhere, even in your on your, on your phone, you’ll find a right.
Uh, someone is tracking like, OK, so one is tracking your conversation or whatnot, helping you do this.
Zara Morghade 28:38
Even in WhatsApp.
Maddy N 28:45
Do that whatnot?
Umm, how do you see?
You know the approach of leadership, you know, being changed.
Uh, you know?
From what we have, you know kind of experienced earlier, right?
Do you see a change in thought process?
Do you change in approach in execution? In strategies?
Have you experienced this in the last 1-2 years?
Zara Morghade 29:10
Yes, it’s inevitable that there is that there would be no change.
Mindsets have changed now.
Umm. For example?
The knowledge that I like to use here is that of Iron Man.
I’m sure you’ve watched it and you would also know about Jarvis, the the AI assistant is extraordinary, so for us we would like to adopt AI.
Maddy N 29:25
A yeah, yeah.
Zara Morghade 29:36
Imagine AI as our very own javis, so it gives us that real time data.
It helps us with that analysis that will only help us make those decisions faster and in a smarter manner.
But remember, even Tony Stark, he relies on his gut.
Maddy N 29:55
Zara Morghade 29:55
That goes without saying.
So similarly, leaders as leaders, we need to blend whatever the data driven insights that AI brings to us.
And we are very fortunate to have that, but we need to blend that along with our own intuition and understanding of our people.
AI will not understand our crowd.
You will not understand our organization and the culture.
That’s only something that we can do, so it’s not just about crunching, crunching numbers.
Maddy N 30:19
Zara Morghade 30:22
It’s about reading between the lines and making those decisions that really resonate with the human experience, and that’s what we are focusing on at this point in time.
Maddy N 30:33
Got it.
No, absolutely right.
I think emotion is something which will anyway detach between the technology and people, right?
Zara Morghade 30:40
Yes, yes.
Maddy N 30:41
So in in such case, what would be your advice to you know all the HR leaders because you know you have been experiencing you are living right in such situations have been interacting with a lot of people, right.
Hearing the issues concerns, you know, what are their comforts?
What they like to even achieve, or you know what are their expectations in such cases?
What would be your advice to HR?
How they can effectively use AI?
Eventually, organizations, or you can say uh, you know, the market is trending in that direction and then it will continue to be in that direction.
Software right?
So what would we?
What would be your advice to HR leaders?
Zara Morghade 31:19
First is, stay curious and keep learning because you cannot resist this AI
It cannot be registered.
You have to accept it and state you listen.
Keep learning more.
Another piece of advice would be to approach this AI integration with a very clear strategy.
Maddy N 31:38
Zara Morghade 31:38
Identify those areas where really I can add value.
Don’t just add it for the heck of it.
If a company is onboarding, just maybe 12 or 15 people a year, it makes no sense to have like an on to Automator.
Onboarding is going to be a waste of money.
Maddy N 31:55
Zara Morghade 31:58
Waste of all your resources, right and remember that EI is just a tool.
It is our job to bring in that human element involves the team in this decision making get their feedback as well.
Don’t just do it alone as a leader and make sure that everyone is comfortable with this new tech.
Maddy N 32:12
Zara Morghade 32:19
We cannot.
We cannot lose sight of what makes HR really great.
It’s the people that is always has to be underlined, bold asterisks merked.
However, let AI enhance our strategy not over shadow it.
Maddy N 32:37
Very well said.
So makes sense, right?
I mean, again, while we keep saying we sometimes forget to expand that HR called human resource, right?
Zara Morghade 32:46
Maddy N 32:46
So so human elements needs to be there, right?
So on this note, I like to thank you.
Zara Morghade 32:50
Maddy N 32:51
Zara, you know, for the sharing your views and you know your aspects on how things are evolving in the market and how HR can pursue it, right?
So that it can, you know, kind of balance it out between both, you know, internal stakeholders and external stakeholders, right?
So I thank you once again for this podcast and sharing your views.
Zara Morghade 33:13
Thank you so much, Maddy.
It was a pleasure.
Maddy N 33:15
Same here.
Thanks a lot.
Zara Morghade 33:17
Thank you I.
Maddy N 33:17
Bye bye.